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by 매일영어나도너도 2024. 2. 11.




  • Part of Speech: adjective, noun, verb
  • Pronunciation: /ˈfænsi/
  • Definition:
    • As an adjective, it denotes something elaborate in structure or decoration, or something that involves a complex emotional or psychological perception.
    • As a noun, it refers to a feeling of liking or attraction, often one that is not based on reason or reality.
    • As a verb, it involves imagining or feeling a desire for something or someone.


The word "fancy" originates from the Middle English fantsie, which comes from the Old French fantaisie, meaning "imagination, fantasy," ultimately deriving from the Latin phantasia, meaning "appearance, imagination," from Greek phantazein, meaning "to make visible."


  • Ornate
  • Lavish
  • Imagine
  • Desire
  • Whim


  • Plain
  • Simple
  • Dislike
  • Aversion
  • Reality

Example Sentences:

  1. The gala had a fancy dress code, requiring guests to wear their most elaborate outfits.
  2. Her fancy for chocolate desserts was well-known among her friends.
  3. I fancy going for a long walk this evening, would you like to join me?
  4. His designs are too fancy for my taste; I prefer something more minimalist.
  5. The children's fancy dress competition was a riot of color and creativity.
  6. She fancied she could see a figure in the mist.
  7. It's a fancy restaurant, so we'll need to make a reservation.
  8. Do you fancy a cup of coffee?
  9. His latest invention was a bit too fancy and impractical.
  10. I never took to fancy cars; I value functionality over aesthetics.

Korean Translations of Example Sentences:

  1. 갈라에는 화려한 드레스 코드가 있어, 손님들은 가장 정교한 복장을 착용해야 했습니다.
  2. 그녀는 친구들 사이에서 초콜릿 디저트를 좋아하는 것으로 유명했습니다.
  3. 오늘 저녁에 긴 산책을 하고 싶어요, 함께 하시겠어요?
  4. 그의 디자인은 내 취향에는 너무 화려해요; 저는 좀 더 단순한 것을 선호합니다.
  5. 어린이들의 화려한 복장 대회는 색채와 창의력의 폭발이었습니다.
  6. 그녀는 안개 속에 인물을 볼 수 있었다고 상상했습니다.
  7. 그곳은 화려한 식당이므로, 예약을 해야 합니다.
  8. 커피 한 잔 할래요?
  9. 그의 최신 발명품은 너무 화려하고 비실용적이었습니다.
  10. 저는 화려한 자동차에는 관심이 없어요; 저는 기능성을 더 중시합니다.




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