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by AI특이점 2024. 1. 9.




Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Pronunciation: /dɪˈvɛst/

Definition and Explanation:

'Divest' primarily means to rid oneself of something, especially financial assets or investments. In a broader sense, it can also refer to the act of selling off business concerns or investments, or to the process of depriving oneself of any asset, property, title, or right. It implies a process of letting go or disposing of something that is no longer necessary or desirable. The term is often used in the context of finance and business but can be applied metaphorically in various other contexts.

Etymology and Historical Context:

The word 'divest' originates from the Latin word 'divestire', which means to undress. It entered English in the 1600s, initially used in the literal sense of undressing or stripping off clothes. Over time, its use expanded to include the figurative sense of disposing of assets, rights, or properties.


  • Dispose
  • Sell off
  • Liquidate
  • Unload
  • Disinvest


  • Acquire
  • Invest
  • Retain
  • Keep
  • Purchase

Example Sentences:

1. The company decided to divest its overseas assets to focus on domestic growth.
2. To resolve the conflict of interest, he had to divest himself of his shares in the business.
3. Environmental concerns prompted the fund to divest from fossil fuel companies.
4. The merger required the corporation to divest some of its holdings.
5. She chose to divest her wardrobe of all outdated clothes.
6. The government's policy was to divest state-owned enterprises to private investors.
7. They had to divest their investment in the project due to financial constraints.
8. The museum was forced to divest itself of artifacts that were acquired illegally.
9. After the divorce, he had to divest half of his property.
10. The new regulation may compel banks to divest certain risky assets.

Korean Translations:

1. 회사는 국내 성장에 집중하기 위해 해외 자산을 매각하기로 결정했다.
2. 이해 상충을 해결하기 위해, 그는 사업에서 자신의 지분을 처분해야 했다.
3. 환경 문제로 인해 기금은 화석 연료 회사에서 투자를 철회했다.
4. 합병으로 인해 기업은 일부 자산을 매각해야 했다.
5. 그녀는 구식 옷을 모두 처분하기로 결정했다.
6. 정부 정책은 국영 기업을 민간 투자자에게 매각하는 것이었다.
7. 재정적 제약으로 인해 그들은 프로젝트에 대한 투자를 철회해야 했다.
8. 박물관은 불법으로 획득한 유물을 처분해야만 했다.
9. 이혼 후, 그는 재산의 절반을 처분해야 했다.
10. 새로운 규정으로 인해 은행은 특정 위험 자산을 매각해야 할 수도 있다.

Links to Native Pronunciations and Video Examples:

Divest Pronunciation
Video Example of 'Divest'


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