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by 매일영어나도너도 2024. 1. 27.



Word: Path

  • Part of Speech: Noun
  • Pronunciation: /pæθ/

Definition and Explanation:

The word "path" refers to a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading. It can also signify the course or direction in which something is moving, or a course of action or conduct. The term is often used metaphorically to represent life's journey or the choices one makes in life.

Etymology and Historical Context:

"Path" comes from the Old English "pæþ," which is related to Dutch "pad" and German "Pfad." The term has been in use since before the 12th century and originally denoted a way for walking, particularly one beaten down by the feet.


  1. Trail
  2. Route
  3. Track
  4. Way
  5. Passage


  1. Blockade
  2. Obstruction
  3. Impasse
  4. Detour
  5. Dead-end

Example Sentences:

  1. The forest path was covered in a carpet of autumn leaves.
  2. She chose a different path in her career, switching from law to journalism.
  3. The mountain path was steep and challenging.
  4. They followed a narrow path along the riverside.
  5. His path in life was greatly influenced by his early experiences.
  6. A garden path led to a quaint cottage.
  7. The path to success is not always easy.
  8. He walked the same path to school every day.
  9. The path of the hurricane was carefully monitored.
  10. The winding path up the hill offered spectacular views.

Korean Translations:

  1. 숲속 길은 가을 잎으로 덮여 있었다.
  2. 그녀는 법률에서 저널리즘으로 경력의 다른 길을 선택했다.
  3. 산길은 가파르고 도전적이었다.
  4. 그들은 강가를 따라 좁은 길을 따라갔다.
  5. 그의 인생 길은 그의 초기 경험에 의해 크게 영향을 받았다.
  6. 정원 길이 아기자기한 오두막으로 이어졌다.
  7. 성공으로 가는 길은 항상 쉽지 않다.
  8. 그는 매일 학교로 가는 같은 길을 걸었다.
  9. 허리케인의 경로는 주의 깊게 모니터링되었다.
  10. 언덕을 올라가는 구불구불한 길은 장관을 이루었다.


Additional Resources:




영어단어외우기 Path 였습니다.




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