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by AI공부 2024. 1. 6.




Part of Speech:



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Absurd refers to something that is wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate. It implies a lack of sense, rationality, or propriety, often to the point of being humorous or ridiculous.



The word absurd comes from the Latin 'absurdus,' meaning 'out of tune, discordant.' Initially, it was used in music and later extended to mean 'ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable' in the mid-16th century. The concept often relates to the idea of something being out of harmony with reason or propriety.



  1. Ridiculous
  2. Preposterous
  3. Ludicrous
  4. Bizarre
  5. Outlandish
  6. Laughable


  1. Reasonable
  2. Sensible
  3. Logical
  4. Rational
  5. Sound
  6. Realistic


Contextually Relevant Example Sentences 

  1. The idea of a flying car once seemed absurd.
    비행 자동차의 아이디어는 한때 황당해 보였다.
  2. His absurd claims caused everyone to laugh.
    그의 터무니없는 주장은 모두를 웃게 만들었다.
  3. The plot of the movie was completely absurd.
    그 영화의 줄거리는 완전히 황당했다.
  4. She has an absurd sense of humor.
    그녀는 황당한 유머 감각을 가지고 있다.
  5. The absurd complexity of the procedure frustrated them.
    그 절차의 황당한 복잡함이 그들을 좌절시켰다.
  6. It's absurd to expect perfect results every time.
    매번 완벽한 결과를 기대하는 것은 터무니없다.
  7. The situation was so absurd that I couldn't help but laugh.
    그 상황은 너무 황당해서 나는 웃지 않을 수 없었다.
  8. He told an absurd story that nobody believed.
    그는 아무도 믿지 않는 황당한 이야기를 했다.
  9. The concept may sound absurd, but it has scientific merit.
    그 개념은 황당하게 들릴 수 있지만 과학적으로 가치가 있다.
  10. That's an absurd idea, but strangely appealing.
    그것은 황당한 아이디어지만 이상하게도 매력적이다.

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