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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 27.



  1. Word Name: Endangered
  2. Part of Speech: Adjective
  3. Pronunciation Symbols: /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒərd/
  4. Description and Definition:
    • Description: "Endangered" refers to a state of being at risk of extinction or of disappearing.
    • Definition: (Of a species) seriously at risk of extinction.
  5. Etymology and Historical Background:
    • The term comes from the combination of "en-", meaning "to cause to be in" and "danger." It started being used specifically in the context of species at risk in the mid-20th century with the rise of environmental awareness.
  6. Synonyms:
    • Threatened
    • At risk
    • Vulnerable
    • Imperiled
    • In peril
  7. Antonyms:
    • Secure
    • Safe
    • Abundant
    • Flourishing
    • Thriving
  8. Example Sentences:
    1. The panda is an endangered species.
      • 판다는 멸종 위기에 처한 종입니다.
    2. Many organizations are working to protect endangered wildlife.
      • 많은 단체들이 멸종 위기에 처한 야생동물을 보호하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
    3. Deforestation has endangered several native species.
      • 삼림 벌채로 인해 몇몇 토착 종들이 위험에 처했습니다.
    4. Endangered animals often need legal protection.
      • 멸종 위기 동물들은 종종 법적 보호가 필요합니다.
    5. Conservation efforts are essential for endangered species.
      • 보전 노력은 멸종 위기 종에게 필수적입니다.
  9. English Native Speaker Pronunciation Link:
  10. Related Song:
    • Song Title: "Last of the Wilds"
    • Lyrics: This song poignantly addresses the plight of endangered species and the disappearing natural world.
  11. Related TED Talk:
    • Title: "Saving Endangered Species"
    • Link: TED Talk
    • Summary: This talk discusses the challenges and solutions in conserving endangered species around the world.
  12. YouTube Videos:
    • For Adults: "The Fight to Save Endangered Species" - A documentary exploring various endangered species and conservation efforts.
    • For Kids: "Why Are Animals Endangered?" - An educational video explaining the concept of endangered species in a child-friendly manner.

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