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by AI공부 2024. 1. 5.


단어명: Faint


품사: Verb, Adjective


발음 기호: /feɪnt/


단어 설명 및 정의: As a verb, "faint" means to lose consciousness briefly, typically because of a lack of oxygen in the brain. As an adjective, it describes something that is barely perceptible, like a faint sound or light.


단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The term "faint" comes from the Old French "feindre," meaning "to pretend, shirk," evolving from the Latin "fingere," meaning "to shape, invent, feign." Over time, its meaning shifted to denote a loss of consciousness or strength.



  1. Pass out
  2. Collapse
  3. Lightheaded
  4. Swoon
  5. Weak


  1. Revive
  2. Conscious
  3. Alert
  4. Energetic
  5. Strong


영문 예문:

  1. During the marathon, one of the runners began to feel dizzy and fainted.
  2. The news was so shocking that she almost fainted.
  3. In the crowded room, he felt lightheaded and fainted.
  4. They heard a faint sound coming from the other side of the door.
  5. She managed to catch her sister who fainted at the sight of blood.
  6. The faint aroma of coffee wafted through the kitchen.
  7. Doctors often advise against standing up too quickly to avoid fainting.
  8. The old photograph had a faint signature at the bottom.
  9. After fainting, she was quickly attended to by the medical staff.
  10. The light was so faint that they could barely see the path.

한글 번역:

  1. 마라톤 도중 한 주자가 어지럼증을 느끼고 실신했습니다.
  2. 그 소식은 너무 충격적이어서 그녀는 거의 실신할 뻔했습니다.
  3. 붐비는 방에서 그는 어지러움을 느끼고 실신했습니다.
  4. 그들은 문 반대편에서 작은 소리를 들었습니다.
  5. 그녀는 피를 보고 실신한 자매를 붙잡아 주었습니다.
  6. 커피의 가벼운 향기가 주방을 휘감았습니다.
  7. 의사들은 종종 실신을 피하기 위해 너무 빨리 일어나지 말라고 조언합니다.
  8. 오래된 사진에는 아래쪽에 희미한 서명이 있었습니다.
  9. 실신한 후, 그녀는 곧바로 의료진에 의해 치료를 받았습니다.
  10. 빛이 너무 희미해서 그들은 겨우 길을 볼 수 있었습니다.


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