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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 16.





  1. Word Name: Mentor
  2. Part of Speech: Noun
  3. Pronunciation: /ˈmɛn.tɔːr/ (American), /ˈmɛn.tər/ (British)
  4. Definition: A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser.
  5. Etymology and Historical Background: The term originated from Greek mythology, where Mentor was the name of the advisor to Telemachus, the son of Odysseus in Homer's "Odyssey." Over time, it came to be used for anyone who imparts wisdom and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague.
  6. Synonyms: Adviser, Guide, Coach, Counselor, Teacher
  7. Antonyms: Pupil, Student, Novice, Trainee, Apprentice
  8. Example Sentences:
    • The new teacher viewed her mentor as a valuable source of advice and support.
    • In the business world, having a mentor can accelerate your career progression.
    • She volunteered as a mentor for young entrepreneurs.
    • His mentor's guidance helped him make difficult decisions.
    • A good mentor listens and provides constructive feedback.

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