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by AI공부 2024. 1. 5.

단어명: Secretary


품사: Noun


발음 기호: /ˈsekrəteri/


단어 설명 및 정의: A secretary is a person employed in an office who performs administrative and clerical duties such as organizing files, scheduling appointments, handling correspondence, and taking phone calls.


단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: Originating from the Latin "secretarius," meaning "confidential officer," the role of a secretary has evolved over time from handling confidential information to performing a wide range of administrative tasks.



  1. Administrative Assistant
  2. Clerk
  3. Receptionist
  4. Office Assistant
  5. Personal Assistant

반대어: There are no direct antonyms, but roles unrelated to administrative work, like "laborer" or "artisan," can be considered opposites in a professional context.


영문 예문:

  1. The company's secretary efficiently managed all incoming correspondence.
  2. As a secretary, her ability to multitask was crucial for the office's smooth operation.
  3. He worked as a secretary, handling scheduling and administrative duties.
  4. The secretary organized the meeting minutes and reports for easy reference.
  5. She was the secretary to the CEO and often coordinated high-level meetings.
  6. The secretary greeted visitors warmly at the front desk.
  7. His skills as a secretary included expert knowledge of office software.
  8. The secretary played a key role in organizing the company's annual event.
  9. As the senior secretary, she mentored new administrative staff.
  10. The secretary handled all travel arrangements for the executives.

한글 번역:

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