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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 31.



Word Name:


Part of Speech:




Description & Definition:

A proposition is a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion. In logic, it's a statement that can be either true or false. In a debate, it refers to the statement or premise being argued for or against.

Etymology & Historical Background:

Derived from Latin 'propositio' meaning "a setting forth." Historically, it has been used in logic and philosophy to denote a statement of truth or opinion.


Statement, assertion, premise, thesis, claim


Denial, refutation, contradiction, negation, disavowal

Example Sentences:

  1. The main proposition of the argument was that climate change is accelerated by human activities.
  2. His proposition that all students should receive free lunch sparked a lively debate.
  3. She put forth a bold proposition for the new marketing strategy.
  4. The philosopher's proposition was both profound and controversial.
  5. Their business proposition was rejected due to lack of feasibility.
  6. In mathematics, proving a proposition often requires logical deduction.
  7. The candidate's election proposition focused on healthcare reform.
  8. His proposition to solve the issue was met with skepticism.
  9. The research paper was based on a groundbreaking scientific proposition.
  10. The legal proposition was upheld in court.


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