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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 31.




Word Name:


Part of Speech:




Description & Definition:

"Provide" means to supply or make available something that is needed or wanted. It involves giving, offering, or furnishing something, often to meet a need or requirement.

Etymology & Historical Background:

Derived from the Latin word "providere," which means "to foresee, look after, provide." It has been used in English since the 15th century, originally meaning "to foresee, to foresee and make preparation."


Supply, furnish, offer, give, present


Withhold, deny, take, refuse, deprive

Example Sentences:

  1. The government aims to provide healthcare for all citizens.
  2. Local farmers provide fresh produce to the community.
  3. The organization provides educational resources to underprivileged children.
  4. She provided valuable advice during the meeting.
  5. Emergency services provided immediate assistance after the disaster.
  6. The library provides access to a wide range of books.
  7. Companies often provide training for their employees.
  8. Parents provide love and support to their children.
  9. The fund will provide financial aid to those affected.
  10. The program provides opportunities for young artists.

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