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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 29.

Word Profile: Snowflake

Word Name: Snowflake

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /ˈsnoʊ.fleɪk/

Description and Definition: A snowflake is a small piece of snow that falls from the sky. Snowflakes are known for their unique and intricate patterns. Each snowflake is formed when a tiny water droplet freezes around a particle in the atmosphere, creating a crystal. As the crystal falls through the air, it encounters different conditions that shape its form, resulting in a hexagonal structure with stunning symmetry and diversity.

Etymology and Historical Background: The term "snowflake" originates from the early 18th century, combining the words "snow" and "flake." The study of snowflakes and their patterns, also known as snow crystals, has been a subject of scientific fascination for centuries. Wilson Bentley, an American farmer, became famous for photographing thousands of individual snowflakes in the early 1900s, revealing their intricate designs.


  1. Snow crystal
  2. Ice crystal
  3. Frost
  4. Snow pellet
  5. Ice flower


  1. Raindrop
  2. Droplet
  3. Sleet
  4. Hailstone
  5. Water

Example Sentences:

  1. Each snowflake that fell from the sky was like a tiny work of art.
  2. The children marveled at the snowflakes landing gently on their gloves.
  3. In the science class, they learned how no two snowflakes are exactly alike.
  4. Snowflakes began to cover the ground, signaling the start of a heavy snowfall.
  5. The photographer captured the unique pattern of a snowflake using a macro lens.
  6. Folklore often romanticizes snowflakes as symbols of purity and uniqueness.
  7. During the winter, the town was blanketed in a layer of delicate snowflakes.
  8. Artists draw inspiration from the symmetry and beauty of snowflakes.
  9. The windowpane was covered with frost, forming patterns similar to snowflakes.
  10. Snowflakes twirled in the air, creating a serene winter wonderland.

Korean Translations:

  1. 하늘에서 떨어지는 각 눈송이는 작은 예술 작품 같았다.
  2. 아이들은 장갑에 살포시 내리는 눈송이를 보며 감탄했다.
  3. 과학 수업에서는 눈송이 두 개가 완전히 같지 않다는 것을 배웠다.
  4. 눈송이가 땅을 덮기 시작하며 많은 눈이 내릴 것임을 알렸다.
  5. 사진작가는 매크로 렌즈를 사용해 눈송이의 독특한 패턴을 포착했다.
  6. 민간 전설은 종종 눈송이를 순수와 독특함의 상징으로 묘사한다.
  7. 겨울 동안 마을은 섬세한 눈송이로 덮여 있었다.
  8. 예술가들은 눈송이의 대칭성과 아름다움에서 영감을 얻는다.
  9. 창문 유리는 눈송이와 비슷한 패턴을 이루는 서리로 덮여 있었다.
  10. 눈송이가 공중에서 휘날리며 고요한 겨울 왕국을 만들었다.

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