Word Profile: Symbiotic
Word Name: Symbiotic
Part of Speech: Adjective
Pronunciation: /ˌsɪm.biˈɒt.ɪk/
Description and Definition: "Symbiotic" refers to a close, long-term interaction between two different biological species. In a symbiotic relationship, at least one of the species benefits, and in many cases, both do. These relationships are fundamental to the balance and sustainability of ecosystems. Examples include the relationship between bees and flowers (pollination) or clownfish and sea anemones, where each species provides benefits to the other.
Etymology and Historical Background: The term "symbiotic" is derived from the Greek words "sym" (meaning together) and "bios" (meaning life), literally translating to "living together." The concept was first outlined in detail by German mycologist Heinrich Anton de Bary in 1879, who described it as the living together of unlike organisms.
- Mutualistic
- Interdependent
- Cooperative
- Complementary
- Synergistic
- Parasitic
- Antagonistic
- Competitive
- Independent
- Exploitative
Example Sentences:
- The symbiotic relationship between bees and flowers is crucial for the ecosystem.
- Coral reefs are a hub of symbiotic interactions among various marine species.
- Biologists study the symbiotic bonds between certain fungi and plants.
- The development of symbiotic technologies can lead to more sustainable practices.
- Understanding symbiotic relationships helps in preserving endangered species.
- The lichen is a classic example of a symbiotic union between algae and fungi.
- Symbiotic partnerships in business can lead to mutual growth and success.
- In the rainforest, symbiotic relationships are abundant and diverse.
- The symbiotic nature of gut bacteria and human health is a growing field of research.
- Certain cleaning fish and sharks have a symbiotic arrangement in the ocean.
Korean Translations:
- 꿀벌과 꽃 사이의 공생 관계는 생태계에 매우 중요하다.
- 산호초는 다양한 해양 생물들 사이의 공생 상호작용의 중심지이다.
- 생물학자들은 특정 곰팡이와 식물 사이의 공생 결합을 연구한다.
- 공생 기술의 개발은 더 지속 가능한 관행으로 이어질 수 있다.
- 공생 관계를 이해하는 것은 멸종 위기 종의 보존에 도움이 된다.
- 지의류는 조류와 곰팡이 사이의 공생 연합의 고전적인 예이다.
- 비즈니스에서의 공생 파트너십은 상호 성장과 성공으로 이어질 수 있다.
- 열대우림에서는 공생 관계가 풍부하고 다양하다.
- 장내 박테리아와 인간의 건강과의 공생적인 관계는 성장하는 연구 분야이다.
- 특정 청소 물고기와 상어는 바다에서 공생적인 배열을 가지고 있다.
Multimedia Resources:
- YouGlish Pronunciation Link: Symbiotic Pronunciation
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