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전체 글184

dip 단어명: Dip 품사: Noun, Verb 발음 기호: /dɪp/ 단어 설명 및 정의: As a noun, "dip" refers to a thick sauce in which pieces of food are dunked before eating. As a verb, it means to put something into a liquid and quickly remove it again, or to lower and raise something. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The word "dip" comes from the Old English "dyppan," meaning "to immerse," and is related to the Old German "tupfen," meaning "to.. 2024. 1. 5.
wisdom line 단어명: Wisdom Line 품사: Noun 발음 기호: Not available for this specific concept 단어 설명 및 정의: The term "wisdom line" is not a standard term in English and does not have a widely recognized definition. It may refer to a metaphorical or symbolic line representing the accumulation of wisdom over time, often associated with age, experience, and deep understanding. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: Since "wisdom line" is not .. 2024. 1. 5.
treat 단어명: Treat 품사: Noun, Verb 발음 기호: /triːt/ 단어 설명 및 정의: As a noun, a "treat" refers to an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure, like a special food, gift, or experience. As a verb, "to treat" means to behave towards or deal with someone in a certain way, or to provide medical care. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: "Treat" comes from the Old French word "traitier," meaning "to handle, .. 2024. 1. 5.
caterer 단어명: Caterer 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /ˈkeɪ.tər.ər/ 단어 설명 및 정의: A caterer is a person or company that provides food and drink service for events like weddings, parties, or corporate gatherings. Caterers are responsible for preparing, transporting, and serving food, often also offering menu planning, décor, and event coordination services. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The term "caterer" originated from the word "cate.. 2024. 1. 5.
reputation 단어명: Reputation 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /ˌrep.jəˈteɪ.ʃən/ 단어 설명 및 정의: Reputation refers to the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. It's a widespread perception of a person or organization, based on their past actions, behavior, or achievements. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The word "reputation" originates from the Latin "reputatio," meaning "consideration." It came into English i.. 2024. 1. 4.
arrange Here is a creative illustration depicting the concept of "arrange," showing a scene where a person is thoughtfully organizing various objects in a harmonious and orderly manner. Arrange Profile and Multimedia Resources 단어명: Arrange 품사: Verb 발음 기호: /əˈreɪndʒ/ 단어 설명 및 정의: To arrange means to put things in a neat, attractive, or ordered way, or to organize or make plans for something such as a meet.. 2024. 1. 4.
board 단어명: Board 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /bɔːrd/ 단어 설명 및 정의: The word "board" can refer to a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes. It can also refer to a group of people who manage the business of an organization, or to meals provided at a place of lodging. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The term "board" originates from the Old English word "bord," which initiall.. 2024. 1. 4.
income 단어명: Income 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /ˈɪn.kʌm/ 단어 설명 및 정의: Income refers to money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments. It is the financial gain that an individual, company, or government obtains from labor, capital, or other sources. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The word "income" originated from the Old English term "incumen," which meant "coming in." Its first recorded use in th.. 2024. 1. 4.