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전체 글184

composed Composed 발음: /kəmˈpoʊzd/ 품사: 형용사, 동사 정의: 형용사: (사람이나 그들의 행동이) 침착한, 차분한 동사: (음악, 문학, 예술 작품 등을) 작곡하다, 작성하다 사용: 이 단어는 두 가지 주요한 의미로 사용됩니다. 첫 번째는 사람이나 그들의 행동이 차분하고 통제된 상태를 나타낼 때, 두 번째는 누군가가 음악, 시, 글 등을 창작하는 행위를 묘사할 때 사용됩니다. 영어 예제 문장: Despite the chaos around her, she remained composed and calm. The musician composed a beautiful symphony that moved the audience. He composed himself before delivering th.. 2024. 1. 5.
uplifting 단어명: Uplifting 품사: Adjective 발음 기호: /ˈʌpˌlɪftɪŋ/ 단어 설명 및 정의: "Uplifting" describes something that inspires joy, hope, and optimism. It is often used to refer to experiences, messages, or actions that have a positive emotional impact, boosting morale and providing encouragement. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The term combines "up," suggesting a rising or improving direction, and "lifting," implying raising or.. 2024. 1. 5.
faint 단어명: Faint 품사: Verb, Adjective 발음 기호: /feɪnt/ 단어 설명 및 정의: As a verb, "faint" means to lose consciousness briefly, typically because of a lack of oxygen in the brain. As an adjective, it describes something that is barely perceptible, like a faint sound or light. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The term "faint" comes from the Old French "feindre," meaning "to pretend, shirk," evolving from the Latin "fingere," .. 2024. 1. 5.
back down 단어명: Back Down 품사: Verb Phrase 발음 기호: /bæk daʊn/ 단어 설명 및 정의: "Back down" is a phrasal verb meaning to withdraw a claim, demand, or commitment, especially in a confrontation or dispute. It involves stepping back from a position or deciding not to pursue a conflict, often as a means of de-escalation or compromise. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The phrase combines "back," implying a retreat or a move backward, .. 2024. 1. 5.
integrity 단어명: Integrity 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /ɪnˈteɡrɪti/ 단어 설명 및 정의: Integrity refers to the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It's often associated with truthfulness, fairness, and ethical behavior, and implies the consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, and outcomes. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: "Integrity" originates from the Latin "integritas," meaning "wholeness, com.. 2024. 1. 5.
stun 단어명: Stun 품사: Verb 발음 기호: /stʌn/ 단어 설명 및 정의: To stun means to astonish or shock someone so much that they are temporarily unable to react or are momentarily overwhelmed. It can also refer to the act of making someone unconscious or incapacitated, especially in a sudden or surprising manner. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: "Stun" originates from the Old French word "estoner," meaning "to stun, daze, deafen, or .. 2024. 1. 5.
secretary 단어명: Secretary 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /ˈsekrəteri/ 단어 설명 및 정의: A secretary is a person employed in an office who performs administrative and clerical duties such as organizing files, scheduling appointments, handling correspondence, and taking phone calls. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: Originating from the Latin "secretarius," meaning "confidential officer," the role of a secretary has evolved over time from handli.. 2024. 1. 5.
leftovers 단어명: Leftovers 품사: Noun 발음 기호: /ˈleftˌoʊvərz/ 단어 설명 및 정의: Leftovers refer to food remaining uneaten at the end of a meal, which is saved for later use. They are often stored in containers and can be eaten at another time, offering a practical and convenient way to reduce food waste and enjoy a meal again. 단어의 어원 및 역사적 배경: The term "leftovers" is a compound word formed from "left," in the sense o.. 2024. 1. 5.