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disconnect Word: Disconnect Part of Speech: Verb Pronunciation: /ˌdɪskəˈnɛkt/ Definition and Explanation: "Disconnect" means to sever or interrupt the connection of or between. It can refer to physically detaching something, like unplugging a cord, or it can be used more abstractly to describe a lack of understanding or emotional separation between people or ideas. Etymology and Historical Context: The ter.. 2024. 1. 27.
Path Word: Path Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation: /pæθ/ Definition and Explanation: The word "path" refers to a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading. It can also signify the course or direction in which something is moving, or a course of action or conduct. The term is often used metaphorically to represent life's journey or the choices one makes in life. Etymology and H.. 2024. 1. 27.
fashionable Word: Fashionable Part of Speech: Adjective Pronunciation: /ˈfæʃənəbəl/ Definition and Explanation: "Fashionable" describes something that conforms to current popular style or trend, especially in clothing, accessories, or behavior. It implies being stylish and up-to-date, often associated with elegance and sophistication. Etymology and Historical Context: The word "fashionable" comes from "fash.. 2024. 1. 27.
Realm Word: Realm Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation: /rɛlm/ Definition and Explanation: The word "realm" refers to a kingdom or a domain, often used in the context of a region ruled by a monarch. It can also denote an area of interest, activity, or knowledge. In a broader sense, it implies any sphere, domain, or area with its own distinctive characteristics or attributes. Etymology and Historical Con.. 2024. 1. 27.
precisely Precisely Part of Speech: Adverb Pronunciation: 영어단어발음 | 영상속 발음 Definition: In exact terms; without vagueness; exactly. Synonyms: Exactly Accurately Correctly Just Specifically Antonyms: Vaguely Approximately Roughly Indefinitely Imprecisely Example Sentences: The clock struck twelve precisely. He knew precisely what to do in the situation. The measurements were taken precisely. Can you tell me .. 2024. 1. 9.
Tranquility Tranquility Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation: 영어단어발음 | 영상속 발음 Definition: The quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness. Synonyms: Peace Calm Serenity Quietude Stillness Antonyms: Turbulence Agitation Chaos Disturbance Anxiety Example Sentences: The garden was a place of tranquility and peace. She found tranquility in meditation. The tranquil sound of the waterfall brought a s.. 2024. 1. 9.
interruption Interruption Definition: An act of interrupting or the state of being interrupted. Synonyms: Disruption Break Pause Interference Stoppage Antonyms: Continuation Extension Resumption Persistence Sequence Example Sentences: The sudden phone call was an unwanted interruption. There was a brief interruption in the electricity supply. He apologized for the interruption during the meeting. The storm c.. 2024. 1. 9.
temporary Temporary Part of Speech: Adjective Pronunciation: 발음 듣기 1 | 발음듣기2 Definition: Lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. Synonyms: Transient Provisional Interim Short-term Fleeting Antonyms: Permanent Enduring Everlasting Long-term Indefinite Example Sentences: She accepted a temporary position at the company. The workers erected a temporary shelter. He had to move into temporary.. 2024. 1. 9.