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perspective Word: Perspective Part of Speech: Noun Phonetic Pronunciation: /pərˈspɛktɪv/ Description and Definition: "Perspective" refers to a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view. It can also relate to the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to ea.. 2024. 1. 6.
finding Word: Finding Part of Speech: Noun Phonetic Pronunciation: /ˈfaɪn.dɪŋ/ Description and Definition: "Finding" refers to the act or process of discovering, locating, or realizing something that was searched for or previously unknown. This can involve uncovering facts, truth, or objects, often after a period of search or investigation. In legal and scientific contexts, a finding is a formal conclus.. 2024. 1. 6.
vest Word: Vest Part of Speech: Noun Phonetic Pronunciation: /vɛst/ Description and Definition: A "vest" is a type of clothing that covers the upper part of the body but usually lacks sleeves. Vests come in various styles and are used for different purposes. For example, a waistcoat is a formal vest worn as part of a suit, an outdoor vest is used for activities like hiking or fishing, and a safety ve.. 2024. 1. 6.
Isolation Word: Isolation Part of Speech: Noun Phonetic Pronunciation: /ˌaɪ.səˈleɪ.ʃən/ Description and Definition: "Isolation" refers to the state of being separated from others, either physically or emotionally. It can involve being alone, without contact or interaction with other people or society. Isolation can be self-imposed or forced by external circumstances. While it sometimes offers peaceful sol.. 2024. 1. 6.
Barrier Word: Barrier Part of Speech: Noun Phonetic Pronunciation: /ˈbær.i.ər/ Description and Definition: A "barrier" refers to a structure or object that impedes movement or access. It can be a physical entity like a fence, wall, or barricade, designed to block passage or provide protection. Barriers can also be metaphorical, representing psychological or societal obstacles such as language barriers o.. 2024. 1. 6.
national border Word: National Border Part of Speech: Noun Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation: /ˈnæʃnəl ˈbɔːrdər/ Description and Definition: A "national border" refers to the line or boundary separating one country from another. It is a geopolitical demarcation where the jurisdiction, laws, and regulations of one nation end, and those of another begin. National borders can be marked by natural features like rivers .. 2024. 1. 6.
Given Given Part of Speech: Adjective Phonetic Pronunciation: /ˈɡɪv.ən/ Definition: Given is used to indicate something that is assumed or known, already decided, or provided as a fact or condition. In mathematics, it refers to a known or established fact or situation. As a noun, it can also mean something that is granted or bestowed. Etymology: The word given is the past participle of "give," which c.. 2024. 1. 6.
absurd Absurd Part of Speech: Adjective Phonetic Pronunciation: /əbˈsɜːrd/ Definition: Absurd refers to something that is wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate. It implies a lack of sense, rationality, or propriety, often to the point of being humorous or ridiculous. Etymology: The word absurd comes from the Latin 'absurdus,' meaning 'out of tune, discordant.' Initially, it was used in music.. 2024. 1. 6.