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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 28.



Word Profile: Attention

Word Name: Attention

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation Symbols: /əˈtɛnʃən/

Description and Definition:

  • Description: Attention refers to the act of concentrating on or giving consideration to something. It involves focusing mental resources on a particular object, task, or subject.
  • Definition: The act or state of applying the mind to something; focused mental engagement on a particular item or subject.

Etymology and Historical Background:

  • Origin: From Middle French "attention" and directly from Latin "attentio," a noun of action from past participle stem of "attendere" meaning to attend, give heed to.
  • Historical Context: The concept of attention has been crucial in various disciplines, such as psychology, education, and neuroscience, for understanding how humans process information and interact with their environment.

Synonyms: Focus, Concentration, Awareness, Observance, Heed

Antonyms: Neglect, Disregard, Distraction, Inattention, Disinterest

Example Sentences:

  1. The teacher asked for the students' attention before starting the lesson.
    • 선생님은 수업을 시작하기 전에 학생들의 주의를 요청했다.
  2. His attention was captured by the stunning painting.
    • 그의 관심은 놀라운 그림에 사로잡혔다.
  3. She pays great attention to detail in her work.
    • 그녀는 일에서 세부 사항에 큰 주의를 기울인다.
  4. Maintaining attention during long meetings can be challenging.
    • 긴 회의 중에 주의를 유지하는 것은 어려울 수 있다.
  5. The movie failed to hold my attention.
    • 그 영화는 나의 관심을 끌지 못했다.
  6. Attention to health is vital for a balanced life.
    • 건강에 대한 주의는 균형 잡힌 삶에 필수적이다.
  7. The child's attention span was surprisingly long.
    • 그 아이의 주의 집중 기간은 놀랍도록 길었다.
  8. He diverted his attention to a more pressing matter.
    • 그는 더 긴급한 문제에 주의를 돌렸다.
  9. The lecture captured our attention from the beginning.
    • 그 강의는 처음부터 우리의 관심을 잡았다.
  10. She commanded attention whenever she spoke.
    • 그녀가 말할 때마다 사람들은 주의를 기울였다.


The Associative Memory Image for "Attention" illustrates the concept through a classroom scene. Students of various descents are focusing intently on an Asian woman teacher, who is pointing to a blackboard with the word "Attention" written on it. The depiction of active listening and engaged expressions among the students highlights the essence of attention.


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