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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 28.




Word Profile: Measure

Word Name: Measure

Part of Speech: Verb, Noun

Pronunciation Symbols: /ˈmeʒ.ər/

Description and Definition:

  • As a Verb: To ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something using an instrument or device marked in standard units.
  • As a Noun: A unit or standard for determining the extent, dimensions, or quantity of something.

Etymology and Historical Background:

  • Origin: From Middle English "mesure," from Old French, derived from Latin "mensura" (measure), from "metiri" (to measure).
  • Historical Context: The concept of measuring has been fundamental in science, trade, and construction since ancient times. The development of standard units like the meter, liter, and kilogram has been crucial for global communication and cooperation.

Synonyms: Gauge, Quantify, Assess, Determine, Scale (Verb); Unit, Standard, Gauge, Extent, Dimension (Noun)

Antonyms: Estimate, Guess, Disregard, Ignore, Neglect

Example Sentences:

  1. The carpenter used a tape measure to determine the length of the wood.
    • 목수는 목재의 길이를 측정하기 위해 줄자를 사용했다.
  2. Her success is difficult to measure by conventional standards.
    • 그녀의 성공은 전통적인 기준으로 측정하기 어렵다.
  3. The recipe calls for precise measures of each ingredient.
    • 이 레시피는 각 재료의 정확한 양을 요구한다.
  4. Measure twice, cut once is a common saying in carpentry.
    • "두 번 측정하고 한 번 자르라"는 목공예에서 흔히 사용되는 말이다.
  5. The government introduced new measures to boost the economy.
    • 정부는 경제를 촉진하기 위해 새로운 조치를 도입했다.
  6. They are taking measures to ensure the safety of the workers.
    • 그들은 근로자의 안전을 보장하기 위한 조치를 취하고 있다.
  7. The thermometer is used to measure temperature.
    • 온도계는 온도를 측정하는 데 사용된다.
  8. The surveyor used a device to measure the land area.
    • 측량사는 토지 면적을 측정하기 위해 장치를 사용했다.
  9. Please measure the width of the window for the new curtains.
    • 새 커튼을 위해 창문의 너비를 측정해 주세요.
  10. The measure of a good life is not only in its length but in its depth.
    • 좋은 삶의 척도는 길이뿐만 아니라 깊이에도 있다.


  1. The Associative Memory Image for "Measure" visually encapsulates the concept through the depiction of a ruler, measuring tape, and digital caliper. These tools, each labeled with the word "Measure," represent the diverse methods and contexts in which measurements are taken, reinforcing the multifaceted nature of the word.

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