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by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 12. 28.




Word Profile: Pacifism

Word Name: Pacifism

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation Symbols: /ˈpæsɪˌfɪzəm/

Description and Definition:

  • Description: Pacifism is a belief or principle that opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes and advocates for the use of peaceful methods.
  • Definition: A doctrine that opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes, especially moral, religious, or political belief in the avoidance of violent conflict.

Etymology and Historical Background:

  • Origin: Derived from the French word "pacifique," meaning peaceful, which in turn comes from the Latin "pacificus" (peace-making) and "pax" (peace).
  • Historical Context: The concept has its roots in various religious and secular traditions, including Christianity, Jainism, and Buddhism. It became particularly prominent in the 20th century with movements advocating for non-violent resistance, influenced by figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Synonyms: Nonviolence, Peacefulness, Antiwar, Nonaggression, Nonbelligerence

Antonyms: Militarism, Belligerence, Aggression, Combativeness, Warmongering

Example Sentences:

  1. The pacifist movement gained momentum during the Vietnam War era.
    • 베트남 전쟁 시대에 평화주의 운동이 탄력을 받았다.
  2. She advocates for pacifism in all international conflicts.
    • 그녀는 모든 국제 분쟁에서 평화주의를 옹호한다.
  3. His pacifism was rooted in deep religious beliefs.
    • 그의 평화주의는 깊은 종교적 신념에서 비롯되었다.
  4. Pacifism is often associated with Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy.
    • 평화주의는 종종 마하트마 간디의 철학과 연관되어 있다.
  5. The government criticized the pacifism of the protestors.
    • 정부는 시위자들의 평화주의를 비판했다.
  6. Pacifism challenges the idea that war is an inevitable aspect of human nature.
    • 평화주의는 전쟁이 인간 본성의 불가피한 측면이라는 생각에 도전한다.
  7. His commitment to pacifism led him to reject military service.
    • 그의 평화주의에 대한 헌신은 그로 하여금 군 복무를 거부하게 만들었다.
  8. The peace rally was a demonstration of pacifism in action.
    • 평화 집회는 실천적인 평화주의의 시위였다.
  9. Pacifism does not imply passivity in the face of injustice.
    • 평화주의는 불의에 대한 수동성을 의미하지 않는다.
  10. The book explored the historical roots of pacifism.
    • 그 책은 평화주의의 역사적 뿌리를 탐구했다.

Multimedia Resources:

  1. Native English Pronunciation - Youglish Pronunciation
  2. Related YouTube Video for Adults - The History of Pacifism
  3. Related YouTube Video for Children - Understanding Pacifism for Kids
  4. TED Talk on Pacifism - The Power of Nonviolent Resistance
  5. Related Song - "Imagine" by John Lennon

The Associative Memory Image created for "Pacifism" is designed to evoke the essence of the word through visual symbolism. It depicts a serene landscape with a flying dove, symbolizing peace, a group of diverse people holding hands in unity, and a banner with the word "Pacifism" prominently displayed. This image aims to reinforce the concept of pacifism as a commitment to peace and non-violence.


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