Word Profile: Pollen
Word Name:
- Pollen
Part of Speech:
- Noun
- /ˈpɒl.ən/
Description and Definition:
- Pollen refers to the fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, enabling fertilization and the production of seeds.
Etymology and Historical Background:
- The word "pollen" comes from the Latin word "pollen," meaning "fine flour," reflecting its powdery nature. Its use in relation to plants and fertilization dates back to the early 18th century.
Synonyms (5):
- Spore
- Gamete
- Pollen grain
- Microgametophyte
- Fertilizing element
Antonyms (5):
- Ovule
- Seed
- Pistil
- Fruit
- Carpel
Example Sentences (10):
- Bees are attracted to flowers due to their colorful petals and the presence of pollen.
- 꽃잎의 색깔과 꽃가루의 존재로 인해 꿀벌이 꽃에 이끌린다.
- During spring, many plants release pollen, which can cause allergies.
- 봄철에 많은 식물들이 꽃가루를 방출하여 알레르기를 일으킬 수 있다.
- The process of transferring pollen from one flower to another is called pollination.
- 한 꽃에서 다른 꽃으로 꽃가루를 옮기는 과정을 수분이라고 한다.
- Pollen grains are microscopic and can be carried by wind or insects.
- 꽃가루 입자는 미세하며 바람이나 곤충에 의해 운반될 수 있다.
- The microscope revealed the unique structure of each pollen grain.
- 현미경을 통해 각 꽃가루 알갱이의 독특한 구조가 드러났다.
- Pollen is an essential component in the reproduction of many plants.
- 꽃가루는 많은 식물의 번식에 필수적인 구성 요소이다.
- Allergic reactions to pollen are a common problem during the pollen season.
- 꽃가루 계절에 꽃가루에 대한 알레르기 반응은 흔한 문제이다.
- The bee's legs were covered with pollen after visiting several flowers.
- 여러 꽃을 방문한 후 꿀벌의 다리는 꽃가루로 덮여 있었다.
- Scientists study pollen to understand more about plant evolution and ecology.
- 과학자들은 식물의 진화와 생태에 대해 더 많이 이해하기 위해 꽃가루를 연구한다.
- The artist captured the delicate texture of pollen in her floral paintings.
- 그 화가는 그녀의 꽃 그림에서 꽃가루의 섬세한 질감을 포착했다.
Multimedia Resources:
- Native Speaker Pronunciation: Pronunciation of "pollen"
- YouTube Video (Adults): The Hidden Beauty of Pollen
- YouTube Video (Children): The Dr. Binocs Show - Learn About Pollination
- TED Talk: The Beautiful Trick of Pollination
- Related Song: "Flowers" by Emi Meyer - Lyrics Link
Additional Activities:
- Crossword puzzle involving words related to pollination.
- A quiz on the role of pollen in plant reproduction.
This comprehensive profile of "pollen" is designed to facilitate both understanding and memorization through varied learning materials and activities.
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