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environment Word Name: Environment Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation Symbols: /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ Description and Definition: Description: "Environment" refers to the natural world or the surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives. Definition: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Etymology and Historical Background: Derived from the French word "envi.. 2023. 12. 27.
researcher Word Name: Researcher Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation Symbols: /rɪˈsɜːr.tʃər/ Description and Definition: Description: A researcher is someone who conducts research, especially as an academic or scientific pursuit. Definition: A person who carries out academic or scientific research. Etymology and Historical Background: The word "researcher" comes from the term "research," which originated in.. 2023. 12. 27.
endangered Word Name: Endangered Part of Speech: Adjective Pronunciation Symbols: /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒərd/ Description and Definition: Description: "Endangered" refers to a state of being at risk of extinction or of disappearing. Definition: (Of a species) seriously at risk of extinction. Etymology and Historical Background: The term comes from the combination of "en-", meaning "to cause to be in" and "danger." It .. 2023. 12. 27.
Contribute Word Name: Contribute Part of Speech: Verb Pronunciation Symbols: /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/ Description and Definition: Description: "Contribute" refers to the act of giving something, especially money, goods, or time, to help achieve or provide something. Definition: To give something in order to help achieve or provide something. Etymology and Historical Background: Derived from the Latin word "contribu.. 2023. 12. 27.
Notice Word Name: Notice Part of Speech: As a verb: Notice As a noun: Notice Pronunciation Symbols: Verb: /ˈnoʊ.tɪs/ Noun: /ˈnoʊ.tɪs/ Description and Definition: As a verb: To observe or become aware of something. As a noun: A written or printed announcement or warning. Etymology and Historical Background: Derived from the Latin word "notitia," meaning "being known, fame." It entered Middle English via.. 2023. 12. 27.
Predict Word Name: Predict Part of Speech: Verb Pronunciation Symbols: /prɪˈdɪkt/ Description and Definition: Description: "Predict" refers to the act of saying or estimating that a specified thing will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something. Definition: To say or estimate that a specified thing will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something. Etymology and Historical.. 2023. 12. 27.
Normal Word Name: Normal Part of Speech: Adjective Pronunciation Symbols: /ˈnɔːr.məl/ Description and Definition: Description: The term "normal" is often used to describe something that conforms to a standard, usual, typical, or expected condition or pattern. Definition: Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. Etymology and Historical Background: The word "normal" comes from the Latin "n.. 2023. 12. 27.
Feature Word: Feature Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation: /ˈfiːtʃər/ Pronunciation Link: Listen to "feature" Definition: A distinctive attribute or aspect of something. Etymology and History: Originating from the Middle English "feature," derived from Old French "faiture," from Latin "factura," a making or doing, from "facere," to make or do. Korean Translation: 특징 Synonyms: Characteristic, Attribute, Q.. 2023. 12. 16.