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내가 외울려고 정리한 영어단어들, 영어단어장 , Vocaburary, English Words

by 매일영어나도너도 2023. 11. 7.


영어 어휘가 항상 실력이 부족하여 영어 단어 외우고 연습할것들을 1차 정리 해보았습니다.

아무래도 영어 단어 설명이 한글로만 되어 있어서 영영 사전 처럼 영어 설명을 추가로 붙여 보아야 할꺼 같습니다. 


각 단어들을 다시 한번 더 사전을 보고 정리를 해보아야 할듯 하니다. 

그냥 막 적고 정리 하다 보니 소소하게 틀리거나 중복되었거나 잘못 표기 했거나 할까봐 걱정이네요. 

단어 설명과 예제 문장은 관심 있으신분은 직접 각자 만들어 보시는게 좋겠습니다. 


제꺼라 다른 분들께는 안 맞거나 잘못된 정보 전달이 될까 우려가 되어서 입니다.  

영어 공부는 매일 매일 하는 사람, 24시간 영어를 쓸수 없는 사람을 이길 방법은 없을꺼 같습니다.

매일 매일 공부 해야겠습니다.  Pratice make me perfect ,  연습은 실전 처럼 실전은 연습 처럼이 답인거 같습니다. 


No 영어단어 단어설명 예제문장
1 abolish 폐지하다, 없애다 The government abolished the death penalty.
2 absolve (죄를) 용서하다, (의무를) 면제하다 The court absolved the defendant of all charges.
3 accelerate 가속하다, 빨리하다 The car accelerated quickly.
4 accomplish 성취하다, 이루다 He accomplished his goal.
5 accurate 정확한, 확실한 The answer is accurate.
6 ad hoc 특별히, 임시로 The committee was formed ad hoc to investigate the incident.
7 adequate 충분한, 적절한 The food was adequate.
8 adhere 고수하다, 따르다 He adhered to his principles.
9 adhere (~에) 고착하다, (~을) 따르다 The adhesive adhered to the surface of the metal.
10 adhere to (~을) 따르다, (~을) 준수하다 The company adheres to strict environmental standards.
11 adjacent 인접한, 이웃한 The two houses are adjacent to each other.
12 adjourn (회의를) 중단하다, (재판을) 연기하다 The meeting was adjourned until next week.
13 adjournment (회의의) 중단, (재판의) 연기 The adjournment of the meeting was met with disapproval.
14 adjudicate (사건을) 판결하다, (시합을) 심판하다 The judge adjudicated the case.
15 administer (업무를) 관리하다, (약을) 투여하다 The doctor administered the medicine.
16 administer to (환자를) 돌보다, (업무를) 관리하다 The nurse administered to the patient.
17 admiration 감탄, 존경 The child looked at the star with admiration.
18 admire (~을) 감탄하다, (~을) 존경하다 I admire your courage.
19 admission 입장, 입학, 인정 Admission is free for children under 12.
20 admit (입장하다), (입학하다), (인정하다) I admit that I was wrong.
21 admonish (잘못을) 꾸짖다, (경고하다) The teacher admonished the student for being late.
22 admonition 꾸짖음, 경고 The admonition from the teacher was effective.
23 adolescent 사춘기의, 청소년의 The adolescent years are a time of great change.
24 adopt 채택하다, 받아들이다 They adopted a new policy.
25 adopt (아이를) 입양하다, (제도를) 채택하다 The couple adopted a child from China.
26 adult 성인, 어른 Adults are responsible for their own actions.
27 advent 도래, 출현 The advent of the internet has changed the way we communicate.
28 affect 영향을 미치다, 끼치다 The weather affected our plans.
29 affect (~에) 영향을 미치다, (~을) 꾸미다 to have an effect on something, or to make something look different
30 affect (~을) 가장하다, (~을) 흉내내다 to pretend to be something or someone, or to imitate someone or something
31 affect (동사) 표시하다, 나타내다 Her face affected sadness.
32 affluent 부유한, 풍요로운 having a lot of money or possessions
33 afford 감당할 수 있다, 여유가 있다 I can't afford a new car.
34 aggregate (여러 개를) 합치다, (여러 가지를) 모으다 to combine or collect things into a whole
35 aggressive 공격적인, 공격적으로 행동하는 He was aggressive in his approach.
36 agree (동사) 동의하다, 합의하다 We agreed to disagree.
37 agree (동사) 어울리다, 일치하다 The colors agree well together.
38 agriculture 농업 Agriculture is the practice of farming.
39 allude (동사) 암시하다, 언급하다 He alluded to the incident without naming names.
40 alternate (동사) 번갈아 가다 We alternated between swimming and sunbathing.
41 alternate (형용사) 교대로 하는, 번갈아 가는 The two teams played on alternate days.
42 ambiguous 모호한, 애매한 having more than one possible meaning
43 ambitious 야심찬, 열망하는 She is an ambitious young woman.
44 ambitious 야심찬, 도전적인 having or showing a strong desire to succeed or achieve something
45 among ~들 사이에, ~들 중에서 The book is among my favorites.
46 amount (동사) 합산되다, 이루어지다 The total amount amounts to $100.
47 amount (명사) 양, 액수 The amount of money is not important.
48 analogy 유추, 비유 a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their similar features
49 analyze 분석하다, 연구하다 to examine something carefully in order to understand it
50 analyze (동사) 분석하다, 연구하다 The scientist analyzed the data.
51 anarchy 무정부 상태 a state of disorder due to the absence of government or effective control
52 ancient 고대의, 오래된 The ancient city was buried by a volcano.
53 anger (동사) 화나게 하다, 분노하게 하다 The injustice angered him.
54 anger (명사) 분노, 화 He was filled with anger.
55 announce (동사) 발표하다, 알리다 The president announced his resignation.
56 annual 연례의, 일년의 The annual meeting is in June.
57 annual 연간의, 매년의 happening or occurring once a year
58 anomaly 이상 현상, 예외 something that is unusual or unexpected
59 anonymous 익명의, 이름이 알려지지 않은 The letter was anonymous.
60 answer (동사) 대답하다, 답변하다 I answered the question correctly.
61 answer (명사) 대답, 답변 The answer to the question is 42.
62 antecedent 선행 사건, 전제 something that happened or existed before something else
63 anticipate 예상하다, 미리 준비하다 to expect something to happen, or to make preparations for something that is expected to happen
64 antonym 반대어 a word that has the opposite meaning of another word
65 applicable 적용 가능한, 적절한 able to be used or applied in a particular situation
66 appraise 평가하다, 감정하다 to estimate the value or worth of something
67 appreciate 고맙게 여기다, 인정하다 to feel grateful for something, or to understand the value of something
68 appropriate 적절한, 알맞은 suitable or fitting for a particular purpose
69 aptitude 적성, 소질 a natural ability or talent for something
70 arbitrary 임의적인, 자의적인 based on personal opinion or whim rather than on reason or fact
71 argue 논쟁하다, 다투다 to discuss something in a heated or angry way
72 arrest 체포하다, 구속하다 to take someone into custody by legal authority
73 articulate 명확하게 표현하다, 말하다 to express something clearly and effectively
74 artifact 유물, 인공물 an object made by human beings, especially one from a past civilization
75 assemble 조립하다, 모이다 to put together the parts of something, or to come together in a group
76 assess 평가하다, 판단하다 to estimate the value or importance of something
77 assumption 가정, 전제 something that is believed to be true without proof
78 authentic 진짜의, 진품의 genuine or real
79 authoritative 권위 있는, 신뢰할 수 있는 having or showing authority or power
80 autonomous 자율적인, 독립적인 able to act or function independently
81 avert 막다, 피하다 to prevent something from happening
82 benevolent 자비로운, 선량한 kind and charitable
83 bilingual 이중 언어를 구사하는 able to speak two languages fluently
84 biographical 전기의, 인물의 relating to or consisting of a biography
85 blossom 꽃이 피다, 번성하다 to start to develop or grow
86 bolster 강화하다, 뒷받침하다 to make something stronger or more secure
87 bond 유대, 관계 a close connection or relationship
88 burgeon 번성하다, 성장하다 to grow or develop rapidly
89 calculate 계산하다, 추산하다 to determine the amount, size, or value of something by mathematical or other means
90 calumny 중상모략, 비방 false and malicious statements about someone
91 campus 캠퍼스 the grounds and buildings of a college or university
92 candid 솔직한, 진실한 frank and open, especially in speech or writing
93 captivate 사로잡다, 매료하다 to attract and hold the attention of someone
94 casual 우연한, 가벼운 happening by chance or without planning
95 catalyst 촉매 a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being consumed
96 cautious 신중한, 조심스러운 careful not to take risks or do anything dangerous
97 cease 중단하다, 그만두다 to stop something
98 censor 검열하다, 통제하다 to examine something carefully and remove or suppress anything considered objectionable
99 challenge 도전하다, 과제 to confront or oppose someone or something
100 champion 옹호자, 수호자 a person who fights for or defends something
101 character 성격, 인격 the qualities that make someone who they are
102 charity 자선, 박애 the act of giving help or money to those in need
103 chronicle 연대기, 기록 a written account of events in order of their occurrence
104 circumvent 우회하다, 피하다 to avoid or bypass something
105 civilize 문명화하다, 교양을 갖추게 하다 to make someone or something more refined or cultured
106 classify 분류하다, 구분하다 to arrange or group things into categories
107 coincidence 우연의 일치 the occurrence of two or more events at the same time by chance
108 collaborative 협력적인, 공동의 working together
109 colleague 동료, 동업자 a person who works with you
110 collect 모으다, 수집하다 to gather or assemble things together
111 collision 충돌 the act of two or more things hitting each other
112 colonize 식민지화하다, 정착하다 to establish a colony in a new place
113 combine 결합하다, 합치다 to join or put two or more things together
114 commemorate 기념하다, 추모하다 to remember or honor someone or something
115 comment 논평하다, 비평하다 to make a remark about something
116 commute 통근하다, 오가다 to travel regularly between two places, especially between home and work
117 compel 강요하다, 억지로 시키다 to force someone to do something
118 compensate 보상하다, 보충하다 to make up for something lost or damaged
119 compete 경쟁하다, 대항하다 to try to do something better than someone else
120 comprehensive 포괄적인, 총체적인 covering a wide range of subjects or topics
121 compromise 타협하다, 양보하다 to give up something in order to reach an agreement
122 compute 계산하다, 계산하다 to determine the value or amount of something by mathematical means
123 concentrate 집중하다, 몰두하다 to focus your attention on one thing
124 concept 개념 an idea or understanding of something
125 conclude 결론짓다, 마무리하다 to reach a decision or end
126 concur 동의하다, 찬성하다 to agree with something
127 condemn 비난하다, 단죄하다 to express strong disapproval of something
128 confident 자신감 있는 having or showing confidence
129 confine 제한하다, 구속하다 to keep someone or something within a particular area
130 conflict 갈등, 충돌 a serious disagreement or argument
131 conform 순응하다, 따르다 to follow the rules or customs of a group
132 confront 대면하다, 맞서다 to meet someone or something face to face
133 conjecture 추측하다, 짐작하다 to form an opinion or belief without firm evidence
134 connect 연결하다, 관련시키다 to join two or more things together
135 consequence 결과, 귀결 something that happens as a result of something else
136 conservative 보수적인 holding or relating to traditional values or opinions
137 consider 생각하다, 고려하다 to think about something carefully
138 consist 구성되다, 이루어지다 to be made up of something
139 constitute 구성하다, 이루다 to form or make up something
140 construct 건설하다, 건축하다 to build or put together something
141 consult 상담하다, 상의하다 to ask advice or information from someone
142 consume 소비하다, 섭취하다 to use up something
143 contemporary 동시대의, 현대의 living or existing at the same time
144 contempt 경멸, 업신여김 a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval
145 continue 계속하다, 이어지다 to go on or remain in existence
146 contradict 반박하다, 부인하다 to say the opposite of something
147 contrast 대조, 대비 a difference between two things that makes them seem opposite
148 contribute 기여하다, 공헌하다 to give something to help something happen
149 control 통제하다, 관리하다 to have power or authority over something
150 controversial 논란의 여지가 있는 causing disagreement or argument
151 convince 설득하다, 납득시키다 to make someone believe something
152 convincing 설득력 있는 able to persuade someone
153 correspond 일치하다, 대응하다 to be the same or similar
154 corrupt 부패한, 타락한 dishonest or dishonest
155 cost 비용, 값 the amount of money or other payment required for something
156 creative 창의적인 having or showing creativity
157 criticize 비판하다, 혹평하다 to judge something harshly
158 crucial 결정적인, 중대한 having a very important effect on something
159 culture 문화 the customs, arts, and social institutions of a particular nation or people
160 curious 호기심 많은 having a desire to know or learn about something
161 cycle 주기, 순환 a series of events or things that happen over and over again
162 damage 손상, 피해 harm or injury to something
163 danger 위험, 위협 the possibility of harm or injury
164 dare 감히, 감히 하다 to have the courage to do something
165 decide 결정하다, 결심하다 to make up your mind about something
166 decrease 감소, 줄어들다 to become less in size, amount, or number
167 deduce 추론하다, 유추하다 to come to a conclusion based on evidence
168 defeat 패배시키다, 꺾다 to win a victory over someone or something
169 defend 방어하다, 보호하다 to protect someone or something from attack
170 define 정의하다, 규정하다 to give the meaning of something
171 delay 지연, 연기 to make something happen later than planned
172 demand 요구, 요구하다 to ask for something with authority
173 deny 부인하다, 거부하다 to say that something is not true or does not exist
174 depend 의존하다, 달려 있다 to be reliant on something for support or assistance
175 describe 묘사하다, 설명하다 to give a detailed account of something
176 design 설계하다, 디자인하다 to create a plan for something
177 develop 개발하다, 발전하다 to make something grow or improve
178 differ 다르다, 차이가 있다 to be unlike something else
179 difficult 어려운, 힘든 requiring much effort or skill
180 dignity 품위, 위엄 the quality of being worthy of respect
181 direct 지시하다, 감독하다 to give instructions or orders to someone
182 disappear 사라지다, 소멸하다 to cease to be visible
183 disapprove 반대하다, 승인하지 않다 to have a negative opinion of something
184 discover 발견하다, 찾아내다 to find something that was previously unknown
185 discuss 논의하다, 토론하다 to talk about something in detail
186 distance 거리 the space between two points
187 divide 나누다, 분할하다 to separate something into two or more parts
188 document 문서, 문서화하다 a written or printed record of something
189 dominate 지배하다, 압도하다 to have control or influence over something
190 doubt 의심하다, 불신하다 to have a feeling of uncertainty or disbelief
191 dramatic 극적인, 드라마 같은 having a strong emotional effect
192 economic 경제적인 relating to the economy
193 education 교육 the process of learning or teaching
194 effect 효과, 영향 a change that is produced by something
195 efficient 효율적인 producing a desired result with minimum waste of time and effort
196 emerge 나타나다, 발생하다 to come into view or existence
197 emotion 감정 a feeling that is experienced subjectively
198 employ 고용하다, 사용하다 to provide someone with a job
199 end 끝, 종결 the final point or state of something
200 engage 참여하다, 고용하다 to involve oneself in something
201 enhance 향상시키다, 증진시키다 to make something better or greater
202 environment 환경 the surroundings of a place or thing
203 equal 동등한, 평등한 having the same rights, status, or opportunities
204 evaluate 평가하다, 평가하다 to judge the value or worth of something
205 evidence 증거 something that shows that something else is true
206 exist 존재하다 to be real or present
207 expect 기대하다, 예상하다 to believe that something will happen
208 experience 경험 something that you have been through or done
209 explain 설명하다, 해명하다 to make something clear or understandable
210 express 표현하다, 나타내다 to show or communicate something
211 extend 확장하다, 연장하다 to make something larger or longer
212 extreme 극단적인, 과격한 very great or severe
213 fact 사실 something that is true
214 famous 유명한 well-known and talked about
215 feel 느끼다, 감각하다 to be aware of something through your senses
216 finally 마침내, 결국 at the end of a process or period of time
217 financial 재정적 relating to money or finance
218 find 찾다, 발견하다 to see or discover something
219 fit 적합한, 맞는 suitable or appropriate
220 fix 고치다, 해결하다 to make something work again or to solve a problem
221 focus 집중하다, 초점을 맞추다 to pay attention to something
222 force 힘, 힘주다 strength or energy
223 form 형식, 형태 the way something is shaped or arranged
224 free 자유로운, 무료 not controlled by anyone else
225 frequently 자주, 빈번하게 many times or often
226 function 기능, 작동 the way something works or operates
227 future 미래 the time that is to come
228 general 일반적인, 보편적인 applying to all or most cases
229 generation 세대 a group of people born and living about the same time
230 goal 목표, 목적 something that you want to achieve
231 government 정부 the system by which a country is governed
232 gradually 점차적으로 slowly and steadily
233 group 집단, 무리 a number of people or things gathered together
234 grow 자라다, 성장하다 to become larger or bigger
235 habit 습관 a regular way of behaving
236 happen 일어나다, 발생하다 to come about or take place
237 hard 어려운, 힘든 requiring much effort or skill
238 healthy 건강한 in good physical and mental condition
239 help 돕다, 도움 to give assistance to someone
240 history 역사 the events that have happened in the past
241 hold 잡다, 유지하다 to have something in your hands or grasp
242 hope 희망 a feeling that something good will happen
243 idea 생각, 아이디어 a thought or plan
244 image 이미지, 그림 a picture or representation of something
245 important 중요한 having great significance or value
246 improve 개선하다, 향상시키다 to make something better
247 include 포함하다, 포함하다 to have something as a part of something else
248 increase 증가하다, 증진하다 to become greater in size, amount, or number
249 individual 개인 a single person
250 influence 영향 the power to affect someone or something
251 interest 관심, 흥미 a feeling of curiosity or concern
252 international 국제적인 relating to or involving more than one country
253 introduce 소개하다, 소개하다 to make someone or something known to someone else
254 invent 발명하다, 고안하다 to create something new
255 issue 문제, 이슈 a topic for discussion or debate
256 job 직업 a paid position of regular employment
257 knowledge 지식 information and understanding gained through experience or education
258 language 언어 a system of communication using words
259 lead 이끌다, 인도하다 to guide or direct someone or something
260 learn 배우다, 익히다 to gain knowledge or skill
261 library 도서관 a place where books and other materials are kept for people to borrow or use
262 like 좋아하다, 좋아하는 to have a feeling of affection or approval for someone or something
263 limit 한계, 제한 a point beyond which something cannot or does not go
264 live 살다, 살아가다 to exist or have life
265 logical 논리적인, 합리적인 based on reason or logic
266 mark 표시, 점수 a sign or symbol used to indicate something
267 matter 물질, 문제 something that is important or serious
268 mean 의미하다, 뜻하다 to have a certain meaning
269 meet 만나다, 만남 to come together with someone or something
270 memory 기억 the ability to remember things
271 mention 언급하다, 말하다 to refer to someone or something in speech or writing
272 method 방법, 절차 a way of doing something
273 minute 분, 미세한 a unit of time equal to 1/60 of an hour
274 modern 현대적인 of or relating to the present time
275 moment 순간, 잠깐 a very short period of time
276 moral 도덕적인, 도덕 relating to principles of right and wrong
277 natural 자연적인, 자연에 의한 not made or caused by people
278 need 필요, 필요하다 something that is necessary
279 neighbor 이웃 someone who lives near you
280 next 다음의, 가까운 coming after something else
281 number 숫자, 수 a numeral or group of numerals that represents a quantity
282 object 물건, 대상 something that can be seen or touched
283 obtain 얻다, 획득하다 to get something by effort or struggle
284 occasion 기회, 때 a particular time or event
285 occur 일어나다, 발생하다 to happen
286 offer 제공하다, 제안하다 to present something to someone
287 official 공식적인, 공무원 of or relating to a government or public authority
288 opinion 의견, 생각 a belief or judgment that is not necessarily based on fact
289 opportunity 기회, 기회 a chance to do something
290 order 명령, 질서 a command or direction
291 organization 조직, 단체 a group of people who are united for a common purpose
292 origin 기원, 원점 the place or time from which something comes
293 other 다른, 나머지 not the one or ones mentioned
294 point 점, 요점 a precise location or position
295 **able ~할 수 있는 having the power or skill to do something
296 **about ~에 관한, ~에 대해 relating to or concerned with
297 **above 위의, 위에 higher than something else
298 **across 건너편에, 가로질러 from one side to the other
299 **after ~후에, 뒤에 following in time or place
300 **against ~에 대하여, ~에 반대하여 in opposition to
301 **all 모든, 모두 the whole quantity or amount
302 **almost 거의, 거의 very nearly
303 **among 사이에, 중간에 in the midst of
304 **an 한, 하나의 a singular form of a noun
305 **and 그리고, 그리고도 used to join words, phrases, or clauses
306 **any 어떤, 어느 of an unspecified number or amount
307 **around 주위에, 둘러싸고 in a circle or curve
308 **as ~로서, ~와 같이 in the capacity of
309 **at ~에, ~에서 in a particular place or time
310 **away 떨어져서, 멀리 at a distance
311 **back 뒤로, 뒤에 in the opposite direction
312 **because 왜냐하면, ~ 때문에 on account of
313 **been ~이었다 the past participle of be
314 **before ~보다 먼저, ~ 이전 in front of
315 **between 사이에, 중간에 in the middle of
316 **by ~에 의해, ~에 의해서 with the help of
317 **can ~할 수 있다 having the ability to do something
318 **could ~할 수 있었다 the past tense of can
319 **day 날, 일 a period of twenty-four hours
320 **do 하다, 하다 to perform an action
321 **down 아래로, 내리고 in a lower position
322 **during ~ 동안 throughout the time of
323 **each 각각의 every one of
324 **else 다른, 그밖에 other than what is mentioned
325 **end 끝, 종말 the final point
326 **even 심지어, 조차도 not even
327 **every 모든, 각각의 each one of
328 **few 몇, 소수의 not many
329 **first 첫 번째, 처음 coming before all others
330 **for ~을 위해, ~을 위한 used to indicate purpose or destination
331 **from ~에서, ~부터 indicating the point of origin
332 **get 얻다, 받다 to obtain something
333 **give 주다, 주는 것 to transfer something to someone
334 **go 가다, 가는 것 to move from one place to another
335 **had ~했다 the past tense of have
336 **has ~이 있다 the present tense of have
337 **have ~이 있다, ~을 가지고 있다 to possess something
338 **he 그는, 그 남자 a pronoun referring to a male person
339 **her 그녀의, 그녀 a pronoun referring to a female person
340 **him 그를, 그 남자 a pronoun referring to a male person
341 **his 그의, 그 남자의 a pronoun referring to a male person
342 **home 집, 고향 the place where one lives
343 **how 어떻게, 얼마나 in what way
344 **I 나는, 나 a pronoun referring to the speaker
345 **if 만약 used to introduce a condition
346 **in ~에, ~안에서 used to indicate location or inclusion
347 **into ~안으로, ~으로 변하다 used to indicate movement into something
348 **is ~이다 the present tense of be
349 **it 그것, 그 a pronoun referring to something
350 **its 그것의, 그 것의 a pronoun referring to something
351 **just 단지, 딱 only
352 **know 알다, 앎 to have knowledge of something
353 **like ~처럼, ~을 좋아한다 similar to
354 **little 작은, 조금의 not much
355 **long 긴, 오랜 of great or considerable length
356 **look 보다, 바라보다 to direct one's gaze at something
357 **make 만들다, 하다 to cause something to exist or happen
358 **man 남자 a person of the male sex
359 **many 많은 of a large number
360 **may ~할 수 있다 used to express possibility
361 **me 나에게, 나를 a pronoun referring to the speaker
362 **most 가장 greater in amount or degree than all others
363 **much 많은, 많이 of a large amount or quantity
364 **must ~해야 한다 used to express necessity
365 **no 아니오, 없다 used to express negation
366 **not ~하지 않다 used to negate a verb or adjective
367 **now 지금 at the present time
368 **of ~의 used to indicate possession or relationship
369 **on ~에, ~에서 used to indicate location or position
370 **or ~또는 used to join two or more alternatives
371 **out ~에서 밖으로, ~을 벗어나 used to indicate location or movement
372 **out of 밖으로, 다 쓴 not within
373 **over ~위로, ~을 넘어 used to indicate location, movement, or action
374 **parent 부모, 부모 a person who has given birth to or adopted a child
375 **part 부분, 역할 a piece or segment of something
376 **pass 지나가다, 통과하다 to move from one place to another
377 **patient 환자, 참을성 있는 a person who is receiving medical treatment
378 **people 사람들 human beings
379 **perform 수행하다, 연기하다 to do something as required
380 **place 장소, 자리 a specific location
381 **plan 계획, 계획하다 a detailed proposal for doing something
382 **popular 인기 있는, 대중적인 liked or enjoyed by many people
383 **possible 가능한, 가망성 있는 capable of being done or existing
384 **power 힘, 권력 the ability to do something or to control something
385 **present 현재의, 선물 existing or happening now
386 **president 대통령, 회장 the head of a government or organization
387 **press 누르다, 압박하다 to apply force to something
388 **problem 문제, 곤란 a situation that is difficult to deal with
389 **product 제품, 결과 something that is made or produced
390 **program 프로그램, 계획 a set of instructions for a computer
391 **provide 제공하다, 공급하다 to give something to someone
392 **public 공공의, 공개적인 intended for or concerning the general public
393 **pull 당기다, 끌다 to move something towards you
394 **purpose 목적, 의도 the reason for doing something
395 **question 질문, 의문 a sentence that asks for information
396 **quick 빠른, 재빠른 moving or happening with great speed
397 **read 읽다 to perceive and understand the meaning of written or printed words
398 **reason 이유, 생각 a cause or explanation for something
399 **receive 받다, 수령하다 to get something from someone
400 **recent 최근의, 최근에 일어난 happening or existing not long ago
401 **recommend 추천하다, 권하다 to suggest that someone do something
402 **record 기록, 기록하다 a written or recorded account of something
403 **refuse 거절하다, 거부하다 to say no to something
404 **region 지역, 지구 a part of a country or continent
405 **relative 친척, 관련된 connected with or related to someone or something
406 **remain 남아 있다, 계속하다 to stay in a place or condition
407 **report 보고, 보고하다 a written or spoken account of something
408 **require 요구하다, 필요로 하다 to ask for something that is needed
409 **respect 존경, 존중하다 to think highly of someone or something
410 **result 결과, 초래하다 something that happens as a consequence of something else
411 **right 맞는, 올바른 correct or true
412 **right 오른쪽의, 맞는 on the right side
413 **risk 위험, 위험하다 the possibility of something bad happening
414 **rule 규칙, 지배하다 a guide for conduct or action
415 **said 말했다 the past tense of say
416 **same 같은, 같다 not different
417 **say 말하다, 말하다 to express something in words
418 **science 과학, 과학적 the study of the natural world
419 **second 두 번째, 두 번 coming after the first
420 **see 보다, 보기 to perceive with the eyes
421 **see 보다, 보이다 to perceive with the eyes
422 **seek 찾다, 추구하다 to try to find something
423 **sell 팔다, 판매하다 to give something to someone in exchange for money
424 **serious 심각한, 진지한 important or requiring careful thought
425 **serve 봉사하다, 제공하다 to do something for someone
426 **set 설정하다, 놓다 to put something in a particular place
427 **several 몇 개의, 몇몇 more than two but not many
428 **she 그녀, 그 여자 a pronoun referring to a female person
429 **should ~해야 한다 used to express obligation or advice
430 **show 보여주다, 나타내다 to make something visible
431 **sight 시력, 광경 the ability to see
432 **simple 간단한, 단순한 easy to understand or do
433 **since 이후, 이래 from a particular time
434 **situation 상황, 처지 the state of things at a particular time
435 **small 작은, 소규모의 not large
436 **so 그래서, 따라서 for this reason
437 **so 그래서, 그러므로 used to introduce a result or consequence
438 **social 사회적인, 사회적 관계의 relating to society or the way people live together
439 **some 어떤, 얼마 an unspecified amount or number
440 **some 약간의, 몇몇의 of an unspecified number or quantity
441 **something 어떤 것, 무엇인가 an unspecified thing
442 **soon 곧, 조만간 in a short time
443 **sound 소리, 소리내다 a vibration that can be heard
444 **space 공간, 공간의 an area that is empty or unoccupied
445 **speak 말하다, 말하다 to utter words
446 **special 특별한, 특수한 unusual or different
447 **spend 보내다, 소비하다 to use or pay out money
448 **sport 스포츠, 운동 an activity that is done for pleasure or competition
449 **start 시작하다, 시작 to begin to do something
450 **state 상태, 상태 the condition of something
451 **still 아직, 여전히 up to the present time
452 **story 이야기, 이야기하다 a narrative of events
453 **street 거리, 길 a public way in a town or city
454 **study 연구하다, 공부하다 to learn about something
455 **subject 주제, 과목 a topic of discussion or study
456 **success 성공, 성공하다 the achievement of something desired
457 **such 그런, 그러한 of the kind or nature mentioned
458 **system 시스템, 제도 a set of things working together
459 **take 가져가다, 하다 to get hold of something and move it away
460 **take 가져가다, 하다 to get or move something
461 **talk 말하다, 이야기하다 to communicate with someone using words
462 **taste 맛, 맛보다 the sensation of something when it is put in the mouth
463 **tell 말하다, 이야기하다 to give information or instructions
464 **tell 말하다, 알려주다 to communicate something to someone
465 **than ~보다 used to compare two things
466 **that ~그것, ~이 used to refer to something that has been mentioned before
467 **the ~의, ~라는 used to identify something
468 **their 그들의 belonging to or associated with two or more people
469 **them 그들, 그것들 the people or things mentioned
470 **them 그들을, 그들 referring to two or more people
471 **then 그때, 그럼 at that time
472 **then 그때, 그럼 at that time
473 **there 거기, 그곳에 in that place
474 **there 거기 in that place
475 **these 이들, 이 것들 referring to two or more things
476 **they 그들은, 그것들 referring to two or more people or things
477 **thing 물건, 일 an object or event
478 **think 생각하다, 생각하다 to have ideas or beliefs
479 **think 생각하다 to have a particular opinion or belief
480 **this 이, 이것 the thing or person mentioned
481 **this 이, 이 것 referring to something that is close or being discussed
482 **those 그, 그것들 the people or things mentioned
483 **though 하지만, 비록 although
484 **through 통하여, 통해서 from one side to the other
485 **time 시간, 때 a period of duration
486 **to ~에, ~에게 in the direction of
487 **to ~에게, ~로 used to indicate direction or destination
488 **today 오늘 the present day
489 **together 함께 in the same place or time
490 **too 너무, 또한 to an excessive degree
491 **try 시도하다, 노력하다 to make an effort to do something
492 **two being one more than one
493 **under 아래, 밑에 in a lower position
494 **understand 이해하다, 알아듣다 to grasp the meaning of something
495 **unit 단위, 단위 a single thing or entity
496 **until ~까지, ~하기 전까지 up to the point in time mentioned
497 **up 위로, 올라 in a higher position
498 **up ~위로, ~을 올리다 used to indicate direction or movement
499 **use 사용, 이용하다 to put something to a purpose
500 **very 매우, 아주 to a great extent
501 **very 매우 to a great extent
502 **want 원하다, 바라다 to have a desire for something
503 **want 원하다 to have a desire for something
504 **was ~이었다 the past tense of be
505 **way 방법, 길 a means of doing something
506 **way 길, 방법 a route or course
507 **we 우리는, 우리 referring to the speaker and one or more other people
508 **week 주, 일주일 a period of seven days
509 **well 잘, 훌륭하게 in a good or satisfactory manner
510 **were ~이었다 the past tense of be
511 **what 무엇, 어찌 that which
512 **what 무엇 used to ask about something
513 **when 언제 at what time
514 **where 어디 in what place
515 **which 어느, 어떤 that which
516 **who 누구 what person
517 **why for what reason
518 **will ~할 것이다 the future tense of be
519 **with ~와 함께, ~로 in association with
520 **without ~없이 not having or possessing
521 **work 일, 일하다 to perform an activity for pay
522 **world 세계, 세상 the earth and everything on it
523 **would ~할 것이다 the conditional mood of be
524 **year 년, 일년 a period of twelve months
525 **yet 아직, 아직도 up to the present time
526 **you 당신, 너 the second person pronoun
527 **young 젊은, 어린 of recent origin or occurrence
528 **your 너의, 당신의 belonging to or associated with the person or thing addressed
529 **zero 0, 영 the number equal to the sum of no units
530 **zone 지역, 구역 a particular area or region

