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[영어번역연습]메밀꽃 필 무렵 Summer market is like that from the beginning. The sun is still high in the sky, but the floor is already lonely and the hot sun is burning the spine under the open curtains. Most of the villagers have gone back, and a gang of woodcutters who could not be sold are hanging out on the streets, but there is no way they can hold out forever hoping for these cattle, which would be enough to buy a pie.. 2023. 11. 19.
[영어번역연습]바람 부는 저녁 It was a windy and very cold evening. Jeong-ok returned from school and went into the room across from the room, saying, “It’s cold.” When I went in and left the book on the desk, I found a telegram. “What a telegram.” I quickly opened it. The story of the telegram was as follows. 〈Grandma Geumya Gu Try-on〉 When Jeong-ok saw this story, she frowned and smiled. When he found out that the telegram.. 2023. 11. 19.
[영어번역연습]별을 안거든 우지나 말걸 Before I write this, I first want to call my sister, sister, sister, sister, in a voice trembling with emotion that brings tears to my eyes. Is that just a dream? If it were like a dream, it would sound like nothing and there would be some consolation, but I guess that is also a dream. Was it a clear and distinct reality that was pushed back by time? However, after a sad dream, I am filled with .. 2023. 11. 19.
[영어번역연습]불국사신 북극의 이 항구에 두텁던 안개도 차차 엷어갈 젠 아마 봄도 퍽은 짙었나부에. 그동안 동지들과 무사히 건투하여 왔는가? 항구에 안개 끼고 부두에 등불 흐리니 고국을 그리워하는 회포 무던히도 깊어가네. 내가 이곳에 상륙한 지도 어언 두 주일이 넘지 않았나. 그동안 찾을 사람도 찾았고 볼것도 모조리 보았네. 모든 인상이 꿈꾸고 상상하던 것과 빈틈없이 합치되는 것이 어찌도 반가운지 모르겠네. 남녀노소를 물론하고 다같이 위대한 건설사업에 힘쓰고 있는 씩씩한 기상과 신흥의 기분! 이것이 나의 얼마나 보고저 하고 배우고저 한 것인지 이것을 이제 매일같이 눈앞에 보고 접대하는 내 자신 신이 나고 흥이 난다면 군도 대강은 짐작할 수 있겠지. 더구나 차근차근 줄기 찾고 가지 찾아서 빈틈없이 일을 진행하여 나가는 제 3인터.. 2023. 11. 19.